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Writing rules


The Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation accepts original research, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor on exercise and rehabilitation topics.

Language compatibility in Turkish articles should be based on the Turkish Language Institution Current Turkish Dictionary ( Articles and abstracts in English should have been reviewed by persons competent in the use of this language.




All authors (responsible author and other authors) of the articles submitted to the journal http://orcid.orgThe individual ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number should be obtained from the address   and should indicate this number on the title page of the article.




Corresponding author must add all authors to the Dergipark system when submitting their article. 

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors


JETR, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE (“Requirements for articles submitted to biomedical journals”, available as PDF from Commission on Publication Ethics, COPE ( guidelines accepts prepared articles. Authors are encouraged to read these guidelines.



It should be written in “Microsoft Word” format, “Times New Roman” font, 12 point size and double-spaced. There should be 2.5 cm margins on both sides of the page and the pages must be numbered. 


Each of the titles should start on a separate page, including “Title page”, “Turkish Summary”,  “English Summary”, “Text”, “Sources”, “Tables” and “Figures”.

Required ethics committee permissions should be obtained for original research articles and the article should be indicated with the ethics committee number and date.


When uploading your article to the system, use the name-surname of the responsible author as the file name.


Title Page


The title of the article should describe the study. Turkish and English titles should be given separately. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.


For all authors, the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number, abstract and word count of the text (excluding the abstract, tables and references) should be added to this page.


The full names, surnames and academic titles of the authors, the institution where they work, the clinic, department, institute, hospital or university where the study was conducted, and the e-mail addresses of all authors should be specified and upper numbering should be used for each author. All institution names must be stated in English.

The current address, e-mail address, accessible phone numbers of the author responsible for communication (GSM phone number must be given) should be added to the title page of the article. If the study has been presented as a paper in any scientific meeting or its summary has been published, it should be stated on this page. If support was received from any institution related to the article sent to the journal, it should also be stated on the title page.


Contributions of all authors to the article (e.g. concept/idea development, study design, project management, data collection/processing, data analysis/interpretation, literature search, provision of facts, provision of facilities/equipment, writing, critical review, other) as in the following example should be specified on this page separately.


Example: Buket Sarıoğlu: Study design, writing


Ahmet Keskin: Providing cases, literature research, writing…


If human subjects or animals are used, state the name of the Hospital Ethics Committee or Research Ethics Committee on the title page (must also be mentioned in the Methods section)




The abstract should be prepared in Turkish and English. The English title of the article should be added to the beginning of the English abstract. Abstracts in both languages should not exceed the 250 word limit. Turkish abstract: “Aim”, “Method”, “Findings”, “Conclusion” and “Keywords”, English abstract: “Purpose”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Conclusion” and “Keywords”. Case summaries should be prepared in a single paragraph without titles. Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible in the abstract. Keywords should consist of at least 3 and at most 5 words. Keywords should be selected from the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings, list. At the same time, your chosen keywords should be included in the Science Terms of Turkey ( Turkish abstract and keywords and English abstract and keywords must be exactly the same.




It should consist of “Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Discussion” and “Conclusion” sections.


Avoid using excessive abbreviations in the text. All abbreviated terms should be specified in parentheses at the first occurrence in the text. The words abbreviated in the abstract should be written in their long form and shortened in the first place in the text. Abbreviations should be in the form of standard expressions.




It should include knowledge of the literature on the subject of the study and the purpose of the study.




The research method used in this section should be presented in clear and concise definitions, with reference to the source. Past tense with "–di" should be used in the method and findings section. Statistical analysis should be mentioned as a subtitle at the end of this section.




In this section, the results of the study should be given, no comments should be made. Data should be presented as clearly as possible, preferably in tables or figures. Too many tables and exceeding the journal page limits should be avoided.




In this section, the conclusions drawn from the findings should be discussed; findings should be discussed and interpreted in the light of current literature. It should be noted that the literature to be used is directly related to the findings of the authors. The statistical results used in the findings should not be repeated in this section. At the end of the discussion section, the limitations of the study should be stated with the subtitle “Limitations”.




This section should include the contribution of the results obtained from the study to the field and/or the clinical message as a result of the discussion and as a paragraph.




The people and organizations that supported the study can be thanked in this section. It should be kept as short as possible.


Publication Rights Agreement and Conflict of Interest Form


Publication Rights Agreement and Conflict of Interest Form (blank forms, available from the online article submission section) should be sent as a file in jpeg format signed by the authors.




When it is desired to cite with the name of the author in the text, the surname of the first author is "et al." should be used with the abbreviation. For example, “Orhan et al. In their research, they showed that this treatment technique is effective.”  References should be numbered sequentially in the text. References should be indicated in Arabic numbers with upper numbering after the dot at the end of the sentence in the text. (Example: It was reported by…….16) If there is a reference to multiple and consecutive numbers: 15-18 should be used instead of 15,16,17,18. A comma should be placed between the references, and no spaces should be left before and after the comma. Citation of unpublished observations and personal interviews should be avoided. If the books are very necessary, the source should be cited and limited to 2-3 books at the most. If the number of authors is 3 or less in the standard article, the names of all authors should be written. Journal names to be cited in the source should be abbreviated as used in Index Medicus (See: The abbreviation used for our journal is “J Exerc Ther Rehabil”.


The number of references should not exceed 40 for original studies, 15 for case reports, and 100 for reviews.


Source Writing


Source writing should be done according to the "Vancouver" system as follows.


  • Author(s) name(s),


article name,


Journal name (abbreviated according to Index Medicus),


year of publication,


Journal volume number (do not provide number information),


Page range (Ex: 10-15) should be included.


Reference writing examples are as follows:


  • Standard Journal Article


Mueller MJ, Tuttle LJ, Lemaster JW, et al. Weight-bearing versus nonweight-bearing exercise for persons with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 2013;94:829-838.
Standard Journal Article (if published in an issue with a supplement):
Arndt J, Clavert P, Mielcarek P, et al. Immediate passive motion versus immobilization after endoscopic supraspinatus tendon repair: a prospective randomized study. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2012;98:S131-138.


  • Article in Electronic Media


If a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is assigned for online published articles awaiting publication, the DOI number is appended to the end:
Skjerbaek A, Naesby M, Lützen K, et al. Endurance training is feasible in severely disabled patients with progressive multiple sclerosis. MultScler. 2013; file: 10.1177/1352458513505351.


  • Book


Powers SK, Howley ET. Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance. Boston: McGraw-Hill; 2009.


  • Book Section


Dean E, Butcher S. Mobilization and exercise: physiological basis for assessment, evaluation, and training. In: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: Evidence to Practice. Frownfelter D, Dean E, eds. 5th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby; 2012:244-292.




All tables, graphics, figures and pictures should be placed on separate pages, after the references. Tables should be set vertically in the text. Tables must be added from the "Insert table" section in Word. Mean and Standard Deviation values (X±SD) given in the tables should be in the same column. The percentage values (n(%)) given in the tables should be in the same column. Decimal numbers should be given as 2 digits after the comma in the text and tables. All Graphics-Figures-Pictures used in the article should be named as “Figure” and tables should be named as “Table”. All figures and tables used should be mentioned in the text. Each of them should be numbered according to the order of passage in the text and a short title should be written. The titles of the tables should be written clearly above the table, and the titles of the figures should be written below the figure. Abbreviations and statistical methods used in the tables must be explained below. If another publication is cited, the print permission must be sent together. Figures should be prepared with 'jpeg' compression technique and each figure should be saved in a separate file. Figures must be at least 9×13 cm in size and 600 dpi resolution. In pictures where the identity of the patient can be understood, the signed consent of the patient or his legal representative should be attached to the sent letter, otherwise the names or eyes of the person or persons in question should be covered with "tape".


Reviews of the journal are accepted by the invitation of the editorial board. Reviews that are in the field of interest of the journal are evaluated by the editors.



Case Reports


Rare and important clinical experience should be presented. Includes introduction, case and discussion sections.


Letters to the Editor


These types of articles are articles that reveal opinions about the articles published in the "Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation" in the last six months. The article should contain a maximum of 1000 words (or 750 words and one table or figure) and 5 references. Letters are published with the decision of the Editorial Board. Authors should contact the Editorial Office of the “Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation” (e-mail: before sending their letters. Letters commenting on published articles must be sent within six months of publication; The letter is sent to the author of the original article for reply (when necessary).


Scientific Letters



These types of articles are preliminary statements that aim to announce clinically important data and discoveries. There are no parts of the text; It consists of a maximum of 1000 words, a table or figure, and a maximum of 10 references. Letters are published with the decision of the Editorial Board. Authors should contact the Editorial Office of the Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (e-mail: before sending their letters.

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